Vision: live ::: laugh ::: love
Mission: The Queer Truth is a personal commentary on (pop) culture and everyday life situations of members of the Black diaspora. We bring attention to issues concerning Black as well as queer communities. We resist the confines of neoliberalism, heteronormativity, imperialism, patriarchy, and white supremacy and thereby contribute to our own process of radical self-love and self-preservation. If others find comfort in our words, then we have achieved something of value.
What is The Queer Truth? The Queer Truth is an opportunity for two people, who identify as Black queer women, to discuss and offer commentary on things – big and small – affecting Black communities in different parts of the world. Through kitchen-table-style interviews and conversations, we aim to foster and promote dialogue that is honest. What does honest mean? To us honest means allowing ourselves to be vulnerable: to laugh when it is more appropriate to cry, to state the critiques that others are not willing to express, to speak controversially with the risk of polemic trolls, to effortlessly switch between voices of intellectual snobs to the unfounded opinionaters, and above all (self-)reflection. As there is not one reality, there cannot be one truth. What you find here, is our own truth as defined and experienced in our glorious intersections of BLACKNESS, QUEERNESS, and WOMANHOOD.